A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

One might think that the afterlife in hell is a rather boring affair. However, most virtuous people who never descend there will remain unaware of the entertainment that awaits the little devils once their day concludes. They engage in their favorite games, savor scorching hot beer, and engage in combat with one another, both offline and online. This routine came to an abrupt halt one dreadful evening when the gaming console broke, along with the game. Yet, a devil wouldn’t truly be a devil if he didn’t discover that in Heaven, there exists an even superior console—one that functions and is seldom used as frequently as the one in hell. 

One of the devils distinguishes himself by volunteering for a quest to gather the parts of wings needed to craft counterfeit Angel wings, enabling him to enter Heaven and purloin the game. Now mortal, would you care to join this adventure?

If you want to know the full story, check out part 2 -  Ludodelirium: Heaven

Updated 6 days ago
Published 16 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS
AuthorsKatzmotel_69, sir Wok, Drobek97
Tags2D, Singleplayer


HellFinalBuildV2Windows.zip 98 MB
HellFinalBuildV2Mac.dmg 122 MB

Install instructions

Both Windows and MAC build is available. Make sure you download the version you need.

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